the small biz Hub
7 common DIY website mistakes and how to fix them
I'm a huge fan of helping small businesses build, correct or refine their own websites. In fact, bringing personality, functionality and flow to DIY websites is the majority of my client work! This is why I build websites on platforms like Squarespace and Shopify.
7 ways to make your website happier
Wowing your visitors and making your website memorable can do wonders in turning visitors who really vibe with your particular brand of happiness into clients/customers.
Website Legals: What they cover, why you need them and where to get them
Your branding is done, you have a gorgeous website ready to go. But do you have proper, tailored website legals in place? Crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s on your website isn’t just legal fluff; it’s a protective shield for your business. Read this blog by Emma Gooding, from Good Legals Club, to find out what they cover, why you need them and where to get them.
My top 5 small business boundaries
One of the most important things you can do to care for that passion and keep it thriving is to put strict business boundaries in place for yourself and your clients from the very beginning! I have quite a few business boundaries after 8 years…
5 MORE Misconceptions About Working With A Pro Web Designer
Working with a web designer is a great option for those who aren't interested in DIYing their business website. Before you hire the right one for you, it's worth gaining some context on what you should and shouldn't expect from a web designer.
5 Things I've Learned on my Freelance Journey
Going freelance is an aspiration that so many creatives have - and good! Taking the leap to build my own business and services has been one of the best decisions I made for both my working and personal life. I wouldn't trade it for the world!
How to Prepare for a Happify Day: Do's and Don'ts
Have you heard of my Happify My Website service? It can be tough to know what to expect, when to book a Happify Day or how it should fit into your business plans. Here are some do's and don'ts I've gathered from the past 9 months of running this service.
6 of my Fave Service-Based Small Biz Gal Pals
Galentine's is when we take dedicated time to give our gal pals their flowers - tell them how important they are to us, hype them up, shout from the rooftops about how amazing they consider this my rooftop!
5 Reasons We Shouldn't Work Together
Many service-based businesses in the creative space are very specific about the kinds of clients that they work with and the conditions they will work under - including me!
5 misconceptions about working with a pro web designer
There's often a lot of confusion over what a web designer does and how you can work with them - the reality is, every web designer will do things differently, but here are some common misconceptions to get you started and set your expectations…
My Episode on the Being Freelance Podcast
Hannah wondered how the people she met whilst travelling could afford to travel non-stop. It turned out, they were freelancers. And so began a journey into figuring out how she could make that happen, whether she’d like it when she did - and finding her niche along the way.
Why you need to embrace outsourcing to launch your small business
If I could tell you one thing at the beginning of your journey, it's that you can't do it all; nor should you! Outsourcing in business, no matter how small, is necessary for your mental health and the success of your business.
A Happify Case Study: Creating Kinder Kids
My Happify Your Website is fully customisable to your small business website's particular needs and concerns. Let me take you through this Happify Day for Kat from ‘Creating Kinder Kids’ as an example of what I can do for your small business website…
My Episode on the Lionhearted Podcast
Ever felt embarrassed to share your website link? Or noticed a disconnect between your social media presence and your website? Tune into this week's episode, as I join Sophie Griffiths to discuss the power of creating unique and playful websites!
10 ways to prep your product website for Christmas
The Christmas season is just around the corner - a time of festive cheer, jolly graphics and the opportunity to make a huge chunk of revenue for product-based businesses. If you haven't thought about preparing your website for Christmas quite yet, now is the time!
How to Choose the Right Domain Name for Your Website
Choosing a domain is one of the biggest decisions you'll make as a business owner, so it's worth taking some time to make sure it ticks all of the right boxes.
The big Ecommerce Website Pre-Launch Checklist
Well done on creating your e-commerce website! Before you hit the 'publish' button, let's make sure that all of the necessary elements are set up and that you haven't forgotten any important information.
Etsy vs your own website
As a small business, is it better to have an Etsy page or your own website? Let's go through the differences to consider such as cost, security, updates, design control, payment options and analytics.
15 Things To Do Before Starting Your Website
There's nothing better than starting your own business. To get started super-fast, new business owners will likely set up social media accounts. And while that’s an awesome way to showcase your expertise and personality, what you really need is a website.
11 Ways to Refresh Your Website Each New Year
Believe it or not, your website is more similar to a plant than you might think! It grows, adapts and need its soil (content) refreshing every so often otherwise it can become stagnant. Here’s 11 ways to refresh your website!